In an extraordinary performance at this year’s Dyson Relay, Matthew Clarke (OX) has run the fastest ever lap of the Tan by an APSOC athlete, clocking 10:45.7 (or 2:47 per km). Consider these facts: 1. Matt broke the existing APSOC record by nearly 6 seconds. 2. Only four Australians (Mottram, Summers, Moneghetti and Troop) have run faster recorded Tan laps. 3. Matt’s performance is superior to those recorded by many famous Australian athletes, including Hillardt, Norwood, Patrick and his OX team mate David McNeill. 4. Matt’s age grading of 88.43% is the highest age grading recorded by any athlete in an APSOC event since age gradings were first available (from 2013). Matt’s performance overshadowed another remarkable run – Whitney Sharpe recorded the second fastest women’s time ever run at the Dyson (12:55), leading Old Wesley to a win in the women’s team event. Meanwhile St Kevin’s won the men’s race.