Graham Wise commenced running with Old Scotch in 1953. Graham was an outstanding middle distance track runner, being a finalist in the Victorian mile and half mile championships for a decade, gaining one silver medal and a best in the Australian Championships of fifth place. In later years, he held the world record for 800m for the 40-45 years age group.
In the winter, Graham competed for over fifty years until ill health forced his retirement. He was the Old Scotch cross country champion and team captain for many years and was a member of winning Old Scotch teams on fifty-seven occasions.
Graham won the Cooke-McClelland four times and was fastest time in numerous other events. He seemed to find the Albert Park course to his liking, as he was fastest time in the Orchard on six occasions between 1955 and 1972, setting a record in 1967. He made major contributions to APSOC teams in the Melbourne-Geelong and Healesville Relays.
From 1970 to 2007, APSOC runners particularly appreciated Graham’s hospitality at his home at Yan Yean following the Whittlesea Mini-Marathons where he supplied as much afternoon tea as all the competitors and their families could eat. In his memory, the event was named the Graham Wise Mini Marathons.
Graham was a very generous supporter of athletes from all of the APSOC clubs, and it was in recognition of this that the APSOC Executive established the Graham Wise Scholarship Fund to financially assist young athletes in 2009.
A Life Member since 1981, Graham was a humble but talented athlete and friend to all.